Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vulture Capitalism – Released By Book Express Publishing

Vulture Capitalism is released by Book Express Publishing and examines the true nature of vulture capitalistic behavior.


  1. Economic behavior under the umbrella of capitalism that consists of activities that are largely designed to profit from institutions, assets and individuals that have been economically distressed or destroyed through intentionally predatory activity

  1. Economic scavengers that absorb dispose of or feed off economically destroyed entities.

Vulture Capitalism is released by Book Express Publishing and examines the true nature of vulture capitalistic behavior. Vultures move in after there target is already dead by either natural or unnatural means.

There are true Vulture Capitalists operating in the world and they are the partners of the vampire capitalists. Vulture capitalists thrive on the economic remains of what has been destroyed by exploitive economic activity. Just like a scavenger in nature that survives by consuming carrion left over from kills or natural death, vulture capitalists thrive on financial destruction.

Millions were rendered jobless during the economic downturn that sprung forth during the last part of 2008, but the vampire capitalist actors that caused the destruction fed upon the same beleaguered victims again and again through taxpayer bailouts and other predatory practices. After the vampire capitalists were done with their victims the Vulture Capitalists move in to financially finish of their targets and strip their remaining wealth.

Vulture Capitalism is available exclusively through at:

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Book Express Publishing is a Texas based publishing company that explores all aspects of life.

Vampire Capitalism – Released By Book Express Publishing


: economic behavior under the umbrella of capitalism that consists of primarily financial based activities that are largely disconnected from actual capital goods creation and distribution resulting in wealth accumulation based upon economic displacement or destruction of institutional and/or individual wealth – How it destroyed America

Book Express Publishing has released the book Vampire Capitalism and it takes a penetrating look into was has been mistakenly called vulture capitalism. Vultures move in after their target is already dead by either natural or unnatural means. Vultures are scavengers but vampires stalk, attack and drain their prey in a predatory fashion. Not only do vampires attack their victims once, but they do so repeatedly over time. Vampire capitalists work in the same fashion by attacking and financially draining their targets, but their prey will still exist in a diminished form suitable for repeated attacks such as happened with the economic collapse of 2008.

After millions were rendered jobless during the economic downturn, but the actors that caused the destruction fed upon the same beleaguered victims again and again through taxpayer bailouts and other predatory practices.

Vampire Capitalism is available exclusively through at: ...

For more information visit:

Book Express Publishing is a Texas based publishing company that explores all aspects of life.
Vampire Capitalism - Video